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Old March 8, 2006   #14
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Posts: 270

Thank you for sharing your organic recipes. I have been searching for organic recipes for my battle against tomato bugs (Cyrtopeltis modestus, insect order Hemiptera, identity and symptoms (blossom drop, purple rings around new shoot stems) confirmed by a local entomologist)...I'm currently losing the battle -- they are now chewing off almost 100% of my tomato blossoms. Insecticidal soap has not worked so far, and they have multiplied like crazy.
I am interested in your hot pepper spray, and wonder if it works only by direct contact, or is it effective when the insect sucks on a sprayed area, which is probably what I need, since the bugs fly on and off.

Also, I agree with you that natural soap at 1 tsp per gallon is very dilute and has never harmed my plants. I have even tried 1 tsp per quart without harm on mature plants (natural soap only, like Dr. Bonner's), but only sprayed in early morning or late afternoon, and never in direct sunlight.
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