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Old December 21, 2017   #159
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About Huevo de Toro,which should be Huevos de Toro,aka,Bull's Balls, of which there are two.

Tania's history is not right as to exactly where it came from and how it ended up being called

Couilles de Taureau, same thing although in French.

I'll be curious to see what color you have since Huevos de Toro is just a general name and was/is comes in different colors like pink and orange as well as red.And not all reds would be the same,nor the pinks nor oranges, etc.

No different,really, than the Costolutos from Italy where the word Costoluto means ribbed in Italian and we have

C fiorentino,from Florence
C. genovese,from Genoa

... and 3 more.

It's been discussed here at TV how a red one ended up in France, where the name was changed to French, where I first saw that on Reinhard Kraft's superb site in Germany, where I traded him for it since I had been sending him my newest and best each year and then I got to pick new ones off of his site.

Vladimir, you know how much I love Spanish and Portuguese varieties since when the Spanish returned to Europe they did bring back seeds with them and through cross pollinations and mutations those two countries have the greatest diversity since they've had the longest time than elsewhere to get that diversity.

You get your seeds from Baikal,Spain,island of Mallorca,while I get mine from Ilex in Spain, well also you as well,thanks so much and I've sent you just a few you didn't have..

Someone else is now getting seeds from Baikal, I thought we were going to share, but to date, that hasn't happened.

I hope the above helps,

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