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Old December 7, 2017   #5
Nattybo!'s Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Maryland
Posts: 272

phew! I was worried it was you, then your doggo...

If it were me (great job with the splint there btw) I would add an old sheer curtain to cover it for a day or 2. Add some fertilizer and keep the soil moist.

Love your Marvelous Monty! He reminds me of one of our dogs from long ago, Honky.

Honky adopted us. Our female dog (Baby) was in heat and he crossed the holler to get our house. It took us a few weeks? to find his rightful owner and took him home. His real name was Abel. 3 days later Honky/Abel would be back. Took him back and Honky would show up 3 days later. Repeat. His owner told us that as soon as we let him off in the front yard, he would leave through the back yard to the holler.

Now Honky was a real old dog with bad knees and hips. His owner told us he fought off a bear! and survived heart worms twice! Which explained his hoarse bark that sounded like a honk. Our girl dog adored Honky/Abel. It broke our hearts to see such an old dog struggle to get to our house so his owner agreed to let Honky live out his days with us...a house full of girls that loved on him every day and he was brave and strong to protect us.

Give your Marvelous Monty a great big squeeze and a back scratching from me
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