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Old December 6, 2017   #40
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Saylorsburg, PA
Posts: 261

Nan and Carolyn,

Thanks for your input. I think your comments are for the most part spot on. 2017 was a horribly wet summer so many varieties disappointed compared to previous years.
Anna Maria's Heart is planted every year because it is one of the first ones to ripen and even though it may succumb to disease manages to give me a decent crop until others ripen plus tastes good!
KBX, George D, Joe's Pink, Little Lucky, Jaunne Flamme are standards by now for me - usually very dependable. Little Lucky Heart will be the new one.
I agree that Orange Russian can be variable but as Carolyn pointed out is excellent when happy - problem is you don't know if an upcoming season will be a "happy" one so I don't mind taking the chance. My gardening buddy (farmer friend nearby with whom I share seeds) will probably plant that one for us.

Glad you give Dobson's Heart high marks as that will be a new one based on all the super reports.
Cherokee Lemon does really well most years with a good crop and taste for me.
The Caspian Pink was put on the list because it is supposed to set earlier than others but it has truthfully had mixed results which is why I put Hege in the must list and relegated it to the Possibility list.
Looking forward to the Evergreen, Carolyn, as I had heard good things about it and am glad it is one of your favorites. Malachite Box can be awesome under the right conditions but I lost last year's to Wilt and other years it has been very inconsistent but I persevere because when it's good it's really really good!!
I will only be able to enjoy my tomatoes until the middle of Sept. this year due to travels so have been trying to avoid late ripeners. Obviously that is never a sure thing either! I have grown all but the new varieties listed so know which ones can be touchy if not under the right conditions. But when things go well they are all great in their own way.
Each year different ones may do well compared to a previous year so I plant this variety because I know some of them will do better this year than last year having been terrific the year before.
Gardenboy, thanks for the info on Pink Pioneer which I have never heard of. It sounds fabulous but no more room this year. I will check out Dianeseeds from who I have ordered in the past.
Apologies for the Daniel Burson error - typo error. Will correct it!

Thanks again for the input. I really value all your opinions, especially on the new ones! I still have to cut the list down so that is all very helpful!!
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