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Old October 25, 2017   #5
Nan_PA_6b's Avatar
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Location: Pittsburgh, PA
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Hi, Ron.

Short answer, that could be tomato leaf curl virus; look up pictures on Google & see what you think.

Longer answer: This past year I had two plants with what looked like herbicide damage (more gnarled growth than the pictures of leaf curl virus), but when I took off the "damaged" parts, the new growth grew in "damaged" looking, too. One of them was in my basement the whole time with no possible herbicides, on a table with a zillion other healthy plants. The second one was a larger plant, outside, next to other plants that weren't growing damaged-looking parts.

The larger one I just kept pulling off the gnarly growth until the new growth eventually grew out right. I probably pulled off about two feet of plant all told. I was desperate to save that big plant, and I did. But if you have what I had, I'd suggest you toss yours unless you need it very badly, as mine made a lot of bad growth before it finally grew right.

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