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Old October 3, 2017   #4
ddsack's Avatar
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Location: Northern Minnesota - zone 3
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Svalli, nice crop of onions! I hope the drying and storing works out well for you, it sounds ideal.

Bower, I have a similar problem this year. I start my Ailsa Craig as well as some red onion from seed in containers early in the year and transplant to the garden in May. Last spring I had garlic growing in the old onion spot, and I couldn't decide where to plant the onion seedlings until all the extra tomato and pepper beds were filled. I got busy with other things and realized that they were still in their containers at the beginning of July!

I was just going to put them in the compost pile at that point, but since I had two unused garden spots left, decided what the heck, at least I can eat them as green onions. I was surprised at how well they grew, and I did make sure to keep them well watered, because the soil is very sandy there.

Most managed to make small bulbs and a few medium sized ones, but they flopped so late that the still green stalks don't want to shrink well. I lifted a bunch of the largest ones to dry in my greenhouse, but will have to pull the rest of them now after three days of rain. I think I will be using a lot of onions in my cooking this fall!

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