Thread: Weather
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Old September 10, 2017   #1337
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The weather folks have been saying how Irma was going to move more northerly for a day or two now and it keeps moving mostly westerly and if that keeps up it could end up in the Gulf of Mexico with time to strengthen in that pool of nice warm water. Me I hope it keeps getting weaker and weaker. My niece had to leave Naples a couple of days ago and it looks like she made a smart move.

One of my three very large tulip poplars got sick this summer and died. I just got my first quote on removing it and it wasn't pretty. The tree is probably around 80 or 90 ft tall and right near my garden. I got a tree expert to check it out a few weeks ago and he said that beetles had killed it and that it wouldn't be recovering. It never fully leafed out this spring and started dropping leaves in the summer and is now bare. Locally all the dogwoods around have been dying from beetles but this is the first poplar I have seen die from them. We are supposed to have some pretty high winds starting up and I am hoping the tree is still strong enough to withstand them. I love those trees but they are pretty scary since they are big enough to crush most of our house if either of the larger ones fell on it. I planted them nearly 40 years ago and two of them are the tallest trees around here including some that are at least 30 or 40 years older.

I spent the day trying to get my remaining peppers and tomatoes tied up and clipped of unnecessary foliage and it was blowing pretty hard most of the day and that storm is still a very long way from here. I sure hope those folks in its path are out of the way now and somewhere more safe.

Oh yeah I agree The Wire is phenomenal and we have watched it from start to finish twice and will probably start on it again in a year or so. I believe it is the best serial ever but Breaking Bad was no slouch nor was the Supranos. Game of Thrones is also a great show with some spectacular scenes and good acting but I sure wish they had more episodes per season.

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