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Old September 7, 2017   #7
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Originally Posted by ginger2778 View Post
I remember when an epic was a good thing, haha. We are securing and preparing day by day. Tomorrow night the storm panels go up. Also different sized ziplock baggies will be filled with water and put everywhere in the freezer.
Airlines were caught price gouging, so after being caught they claimed it was a computer glitch. Southwest and JetBlue were the ones who charged normal rates. United and Delta were the worst offenders. I could catch a flight out, but what would we do with our 76lb black lab? We should be OK, our roof is up to post hurricane Andrew building code, and all new construction since Andrew is up to that code, amongst the most stringent in the nation, so most of our buildings should be OK.
Please don't rely on post hurricane Andrew building requiremments. Numerous buildings all around me are built post Andrew because those codes are a nationwide standard. Those buildings were demolished by Harvey. Please do everything in your power to get out of the way of Irma. Get in the car with your wonderful pet if you have to, but get out of the way.

Tell you what I packed that day we left. I packed every stitch of clothing we wore on a regular basis. All of my dish towels and dish clothes. Same as with the bath towels and wash clothes. Packed our toiletries, my medicines, and I packed a minimal amount of kitchen stuff to make sure we could survive if we had no home to return to. I was not going to be without clothing or a way to cook if we had no home. I brought our insurance papers with us, and our financials too. Also brought our computers and phones. We brought both of our trucks. Mine has a cap on it but his did not. That's it, enough to make life a little easier if we did not have a home to return to. Oh, and I took all of my kitty's things with us too. I left nothing of hers behind. Most of everything I packed went into trash bags with no rhyme or reason. I also cooked a few things we could eat if we wound up somewhere without ability to cook. My friends laughed because we evacuated to their house but I brought all the food, lol. Please be safe.
In the spring
at the end of the day
you should smell like dirt

~Margaret Atwood~

Last edited by Rockporter; September 7, 2017 at 01:26 AM.
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