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Old August 22, 2017   #15
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Originally Posted by AlittleSalt View Post
I agree, but that might have been due to the leaffooted bug invasion - cousins of stink bugs that do the same type damage.


In 2014, 15, 16 it was black cherry, but again, it might be that they cannot take any RKN or Fusarium in the soil. I haven't had a Black Cherry plant grow enough to produce flowers much less tomatoes.
it is a great juice tomato. not a nice slicer. it has a deep core, cracks and is not a decent slicer. most of it is wasted if you want to slice it for a sandwich. the flavor isn't want I was expecting either. I think it is boring. they really aren't marketable for me. most of them sit until they are about too ripe to sell then they either go to a friend who is on disability and she cooks them down and cans them or they go to the compost or chickens. I have about 12 plants and they really don't look like the advertised fruit. the pdf I read about them maybe from Penn state hyped them up really well. nicer than big dena. I will grow big dena for the whole row next year. no brandy boys.
carolyn k
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