Thread: The Red Fox
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Old August 12, 2017   #10
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Getting rid of the fox is a Texas thing. Texans seem to like to be in control of who lives when and where. If they do not like then off it goes.

I have fox and coyotes in our neighborhood. There are plenty of children, cats and dogs running around, yet not one single report of a coyote or a fox doing any harm to any of them. It's not to say that if I had a pen full of chickens that they would not become victims to them. A cage full of birds is begging for to become a meal. My family owns a game farm and we keep hundreds of birds in pens to be released. You just have to have a strong fence so that they do not become prey while enclosed. We have never once killed the fox or coyotes at the game club either.
~ Patti ~
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