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Old August 6, 2017   #12
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Sorry to hear about your shoulder, Sari. Hope it is all better soon.

We have the same kind of harvest weather in August - cooler, starting to be rainy. It was hot and dry today though with rain forecast tomorrow, so I pulled all the porcelain, which is three weeks since the scapes were harvested. As with last year, I didn't have as many brown leaves as I expected, and I was wondering whether to leave them another week. But a friend who grows wonderful garlic said that the brown tips can be sign enough they are ready to pull. He was right, the largest ones are as big or bigger than I've ever grown.

I wonder if it is because of the rain this time of year, that the leaves stay green even when they're ready. The soil seemed dry on top, but it was really moist at the level of the bulbs in the lower end of the bed. So ironic after the crazy dry spring and summer.
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