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Old July 11, 2007   #30
Zana's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Southwestern Ontario, Canada
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Originally Posted by tomakers View Post
Only in Texas is 250 miles almost in your back yard.
Since I've known fellow Crazy Canucks that have driven from Regina to Calgary(764km/477.5Mi) for a good steak, or from Toronto to Montreal (539km/336.9Mi) in time for a lunch of Montreal Smoked Meat (one serious leadfoot used to do the Toronto/Montreal run in less than 3 hours on a regular basis, so much so that the cops after years of not catching him, set up road blocks along the Hwy 401/Trans Canada Highway to finally catch him! Still got off with a relatively low fine in comparison to these days - today he'd lose his license.) Our own family drives over 350km/219Mi to our place up in "cottage country" for the weekend....and many other "southern" Ontarians drive quite a bit farther and longer for a chance at a weekend away from the city.

Since I travel over 2600km/1625Mi to see my Sweetie in Sugar Land, 250 miles doesn't seem all that far to little ol' moi. I'm with you, duajones....almost in your own backyard! LOL....its all relative.

Suze! I'm in awe of your tomato patch. I can only aspire to producing something like that here....or in Sugar Land.
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