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Old July 16, 2017   #113
Nan_PA_6b's Avatar
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
Interesting to me Nan and here's why.

You joined Tville in Dec of 2016 so have been here less than a year,no problem.

Then you say your DH was a mod and said he'd make applicants wait a month to be sure they weren't bots.

No mod here,global or otherwise can approve anyone who applies,only Mischka can. And that's the way it's been at other sites where I've participated at,only admin can do so.

Are there any tests given here when applying to be sure a person isn't a bot?I don't know since the first day that Tville opened I found myself as a Global Mod and that since M knew me already from other sites where we both participated.

But,not too long ago someone asked me to take a look at a site and in order to even view it I had to pass some tests. Reading some numbers and letters and what they spelled was one, another was looking at a sign and clicking on all the blocks in that sign that had streets named. Then I thought I was OK,but no, what will my user name be?

Not enough/too many letters/numbers,try again, and on and on it went.

I guess I was finally in,was notified,but never went back.

So, are there any tests to see if a person is a robot when applying for registered status here at Tville?I'd really like to know,and it does relate to now 4 folks, I posted this elsewhere who had varying stories about why they thought they hadn't yet been approved.

Thanks in advance,

Carolyn, my husband was, and is, in charge of admitting people to the Pittsburgh Bloggers' board, not Tomatoville. His title there is Moderator. He corresponds with applicants to see what their connection is to Pittsburgh, and to ensure they aren't bots. Drawing out the process for up to a month eliminates some of the impatient spammers. So weeding out not just bots, but also people who want to spam the site, takes time. I mentioned this to illustrate that there might be good reasons why someone's application might take a month.

I think when applying to TV I might have had to check a box saying "I am not a bot," but I don't remember.

I did have to prove I wasn't a bot in order to email Mischka. The question was "select all the pictures below that depict food."

The awkward part about waiting for approval at TV is that the instructions say someone would approve me within 48 hours. This is obviously not the case anymore; it ought to be changed. How long has it been since anyone was approved in 48 hours? It gives applicants wrong expectations. If it takes a month, why not just say so?

The instructions further say if no contact occurs after 48 hours, to email Mischka. I bet Mischka doesn't appreciate all the applicants hounding him by email.



Last edited by Nan_PA_6b; July 16, 2017 at 01:21 PM. Reason: punctuation
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