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Old June 26, 2017   #41
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OMG Salix, so sorry to hear that! Shocking to lose all your garlic.
It is disappointing not to grow up as much stock as I expected but I'm telling myself, it's all good because the survivors are more tolerant of conditions and will make a better seed stock in the long run. In fact I probably don't mulch as deeply as I should, just expecting garlic to be entirely cold tolerant is obviously not the right track!

Many the perennials that have come and gone from my garden, and the ones I missed the most were the ones that lasted ten years before vanishing. Their time will come again, though, if they're worth replanting. I should tell you I lost all my Siberian Ginseng with no sign of any for two years, and then one day I was walking in the garden and thinking I will have to get more eleuthero seeds and try again, when lo by my foot I spied a tiny shoot of a wee one trying to come again! I dug it up and brought into my greenhouse, grew it large and made new ones from cuttings before planting the big one outdoors again last fall. So when it comes to shrubs, it's not impossible they will come back after a beating although they appeared to be lost.
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