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Old June 13, 2017   #2853
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
Posts: 9,283

Barb, interesting about the salt buildup. I haven't looked to see if mine has it, but I don't see any on the outside.
Pineapples- yes, I have harvested 3 of the 6. I found that even picking them bright yellow and bent completely over, if I leave them on the counter for an additional week, until my whole kitchen smells like a pineapple and no green anywhere in the body, they are unbelievably sweet. I just picked the other 2 a couple of days ago, I want to try grilling them, allrecipes has a great simple marinade for them that I must try.
My Kent has new growth over the mangoes too. Very weird, usually it doesn't get new growth until the season is over. I only have about 200 this year, but still plenty.

As far as the EB with the nematodes, my guess is the yard guys kicked some dirt up onto the EB, which had nematodes in it, as well as weedy seeds. Mine do that, so now I resist the urge to hose it off, I dont want to rinse nematodes down into my EB. I think if I wait a few days the nematodes will die in the sun, then I can safely rinse the cover off.
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