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Old June 9, 2017   #82
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by KarenO View Post
So happy! 15 years ago I was given a few seeds of a really great tomato. I have grown it out a number of times and have much fresher seeds but I had four of the original ones left and decided to see if they would germinate.
Paper towel soaked in dilute (1%) food grade hydrogen peroxide, placed in a baggie and kept warm. 3 days later, 3 out of 4 seeds showing a radicle!
Now to see if they grow well for me. I will pot them up today.
Zena's gift, a tomato that keeps on giving.
H2O2 is unstable and easily degrades producing water and oxygen. I believe the enhanced oxygen environment aids in germination along with the moisture and warmth.

My Anna Russian seeds this year were marked 2003. The plants sprouted about the same time (with the same treatment) as new Anna Banana Russian seeds. A friend who grows super old seeds a lot gave them to me with confidence that they would germinate. I planted them in worm castings with a little peat moss in an unheated greenhouse, in April. I guess I did zap them with a Z4EX before planting, though (I did that with all gifted and traded seeds that I planted this year), but my friend's seeds tend to germinate well.

Last edited by shule1; June 9, 2017 at 05:01 AM.
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