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Old June 3, 2017   #6
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The instructions say for plant tone say 4 pounds for 100 square feet of bed mixed in the top 4 inches of soil.
So you would need about 1/2 4 pound bag of plant tone or around 2 pounds for 40 square feet.

Now if you use tomato tone it says to use 3 pounds for 50 square feet.
That is a lot more per square foot than plant tone almost twice as much.
Reason is the lack of nitrogen which is why I think tomato tone is a hoax to get you to buy more fertilizer.

If you look at the difference you will see 5-3-3 for plant tone and 3-4-6 for Tomato tone.
That first number is almost exactly or very close to the difference in ratio as to how much they tell you to put out for each one

I have heard people say that the plant tone is too much nitrogen.
If they use both according to directions they are putting out close to the same at a higher cost for the Tomato Tone.
I think there are better ways to add a little more K to the soil than with dollars. Which by the way isn't needed for the most part anyway.
Peoples soil test say this over and over.

What did I use on the okra bed on one side?
I had a 5X6 area which is 30 square feet and I used about 2 pounds of plant tone almost 4 times as much as called for.
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