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Old May 26, 2017   #46
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Originally Posted by Gardeneer View Post
I just checked the weather forecast:

FRIDAY: sunny
SATURDAY: mostly sunny, w/ 10% chance of precipitation.

Got to do it morrow morning after the dew has evaporated.
Fleas are worse than grasshoppers. My beans ( leaves ) are perforated like a coarse colander. .

Just an hour ago I made a 1 1/2 gallon solution of Sevin and sprayed my SISTERS garden.
Interestingly, As I was reading the booklet on the bottle , they said that it works on stink bugs too. Woohoo. I drink to that.
I mainly sprayed the soil/mulch not so much the plants except for the beans. I want to kill them not just deter them.
Permethrin is better at killing fleas than Sevin and it is also better at killing stink bugs and it has the added advantage of a very short waiting time after spraying before you can harvest. To get rid of stink bugs if they are bad you will have to spray the plants.
If you only have a few you can spend an hour or so every day inspecting the plants closely and spot spray just the stink bugs when you find them with a mix of Dawn and Permethrin. That is what I have been doing for the past few weeks and I have been able to hold them back for now; but eventually they will get the upper hand if they do like they have the last few years.

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