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Old May 8, 2017   #89
heirloomtomaguy's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Rockporter View Post
Wow, loving all the pics. How do the onions grow on top like that? Mine are half buried in the soil and never seemed to pop out like yours have.

On another note, I'd get your son some good sunglasses for working out there near that plastic. You don't want his eyes to get damaged by too much light as that seems like it would be similar to snow burn on the eyes.
Thanks! We just poke holes in the plastic and stick the roots into the dirt. It works really well to keep them from rotting in soil. My son has a pair of Raybans he was just not wearing them in that squinty pic. He is so fair skinned we always have him slathered in sun screen usually with a hat and sunglasses. Poor guy burns in the shade. Lol.
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
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