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Old May 2, 2017   #37
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Originally Posted by nctomatoman View Post
So if I came across as goofy or weird or some other issue, I can trust you all to give me direct feedback, I hope! Believe was very odd for me to watch (Sue was sitting next to me - Joe sent me the link late on Friday night, so before we walked the dog, Sue insisted we do the deed and sit and watch...I think I was squinting at the screen)!!!

Hi Craig,
My honest assessment is; you came across to me as a man who is joyfully passionate about “all things tomato” and anxious to talk about it. I sense this because when it comes to talking about “all things tomato”, I am the same way.

I hope the folks here at Tomatoville and all those reading this understand that this interview was “of you” and “not by you”. No person(s) and/or organization(s) should feel slighted because they were not mentioned in this interview. The things you talked about were limited by the questions you were asked and you likely didn’t have much say so in deciding what would make the final cut and what wouldn’t.

I would like to add that similarly to what PH (PureHarvest) said earlier in this thread, I would enjoy walking through the tomato patch with that guy in the interview (you Craig) taking about “all things tomato”.

Thank you for posting the video link!
"Discretion is the better part of valor" Charles Churchill

The intuitive mind is a gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. But we have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. (paraphrased) Albert Einstein

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Last edited by Dutch; May 2, 2017 at 01:45 PM. Reason: Grammar and format
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