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Old June 25, 2007   #1
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Zone 5/6 Ohio
Posts: 8
Default How do I know if the deed is done??

Okay, first, my apologies if this is an easily researched answer. I have looked, tho. Also sorry if its a dumb one.

But you don't know till you know.... so I am wondering how someone knows if they have crossed a tomato successfully. I mean, you try to pollinate the flower, but the flower could already be pollinated- right? Or you could fail and it could pollinate later. So if pollination occurs there are really three possibilities- two of which don't lead to your cross.....

So when the tomatoes form, how do you know to save and grow out those seeds versus trying again?

"If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead." -- Homer Simpson
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