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Old June 24, 2007   #3
Join Date: May 2007
Location: NE Ohio
Posts: 610

-Rabbit manure thinly spread around the garden a couple weeks prior to planting.
-1 tablespoon Epsom salt, along with some crushed egg shells in the plant hole at time of planting.
- Rabbit manure tea at the time of planting.
-More rabbit tea about a week after transplanting.
-Alaska 5-1-1 about a week later.
-Side dressed about 1 tablespoon of Espoma Tomato-Tone about a week after that.
-Alaska 5-1-1 last week.
-I'll probably alternate the rabbit tea and fish emulsion for the rest of the year and may apply Tomato-Tone once more in mid July.

A friend gave me some stuff to try, it is 100% organic, 2-1-1. Its called Numus, Premium Organic Humus, made from leaves and chicken manure.

I tried it with some zucchini transplants we put in yesterday. I'll probably try this on some other plants but it'll be difficult to compare the results of this product versus the others at this stage of the game.
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