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Old April 10, 2017   #60
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Posts: 564

Watch out what your neighbors are doing!

All my 500 tomato plants were burned to death, from a helicopter spray at the cranberry field next door in early August, when my plants were just loaded with developing fruit!

All my work and time, from seeding, weeding, transplanting, fertilizing, pruning, to hand watering (well and rain water), were all gone with the wind. We could have harvested hundreds of pounds of fresh tomatoes for the charity they were destined for. To get to the farm, in a beautiful small island, I need to get on a small 4-car ferry to cross the river, and every time, I had to endure the embarrassment of having to back my car into the ferry super slowly and hesitantly, while others watch in disbelief on how someone can not manage an easy task like driving in reverse, I was so afraid of hitting anything or run my car off the ramp into the water. Those were weekly trips during growing season.

That also kills my plan to try to keep bees there...

Last edited by NewWestGardener; April 10, 2017 at 10:12 PM.
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