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Old March 30, 2017   #13
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Santa Maria California
Posts: 1,013

Originally Posted by Gerardo View Post
It's pretty simple to hook up. The only tip I can offer is to use vise grips for the initial stringing up. That is to say, after you've created your 1st loop on one end and are starting the process on the other end, put the wire through the eye and then hold it there with a good pair of vise grips.

The vise grips will hold the wire taut while you apply the wire rope clamps, allowing you to get it nice and tight.

My materials were cheap, as I bought some things on the US side and the metalworks on the MX side.

The wood was at a decent price, untreated for 77 pesos, about 4.50 USD. The buried-cemented end I doused with diesel to prolong the life a bit, probably won't make a difference.

Ironically, cement mix is cheaper in the US, so I went with the $3-4 quickrete for 90 lbs, used up 3 bags for 8 poles.

The wire itself was 11 pesos per meter, so about 60 cents USD per yard.

The closed loops were about 50 cents USD, and the most expensive item was the tensioner, running a whopping 57.40, which comes out to 3 USD.

It's relatively simple to install, and if you're tool oriented, I don't foresee you having any issues.
That's cheating Gerardo . Wish I could pop over the border and score some stuff.. Materials I mean.. That tensioner price blows my mind! . Never would have thought of vise grips. I haven't used mine in years.. Thanks . Jimbo
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