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Old March 5, 2006   #7
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Massachusetts 6a/b
Posts: 29

Originally Posted by valereee
Tell me more about this cut-off-their-heads method? You just cut off the =entire= leafy top? Just the top, or at the soil line? And then stick the leafy part into a cup of water? No dip into rooting stuff or anything like that?

I'm going to have to do this with an extra plant this year for sure!

Last time I had to do this was 10 years ago, but I just cut off the very top of the plant [included a branch], maybe it was 6" long.

Stuck the top in a cup of water with a very tiny pinch of the blue stuff; put the cup under the lights & watched the water level. Figured I had nothing to lose, and was delighted when I saw tremendous root growth.

I continued watching the decapitated giraffes too, but discarded most of them come planting time as the 'new' plants were so much healthier looking.
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