Thread: "Big Mystery"
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Old March 26, 2017   #11
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Originally Posted by DoubleJ View Post
Back into starting tomatoes again after a few years off. Life gets busy in the summer with 3 boys. Anyway, I looked and looked for Jean's Prize for sale anywhere and couldn't find it. I had 6 seeds left after giving most away and they were years old, I would say at least 5 years old. I started all 6 and only one came up. Now I have to baby this one surviving plant to be able to save seeds from it this summer.

Thank you again Carolyn
Here's a suggestion.

If your one plant grows OK, why don't you cosider taking some cuttings from it and sticking those in the same soil or artificial mix you used to sow your seeds.NOT not in water.

Take cuttings from where two branches go off kinda together, and in the middle of those two,kind of in the arm pit, you'll see a new small branch growing and those are the ones you want.

Let me know if it works out and if not and you don't get seeds I'm pretty sure I may still have some, probably quite old,but not that old that they couldn't be awakened.

Here's some help on how to take cuttings,with pictures

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