Thread: Habanada Pepper
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Old March 9, 2017   #11
Posts: n/a

I love hot peppers. However, I also enjoy cooking food that other people will be willing to eat. Unfortunately, it's hard to find people in my house who appreciate hot peppers very often. So, I've recently taken an interest in seasoning peppers. (Also for the flavor.)

I haven't grown Habanada. I haven't really grown any mild seasoning peppers, yet. Orange Carbonero, which I grew last year, is known for being used in cooking to improve flavor, but it certainly has some heat (not really a lot, though). It tends to make stuff taste better, I've found. By itself, it tastes kind of like peaches (but I recommend it in cooking). Aji Omnicolor has pretty good fruity flavor, I though (but it has heat).

I bought a bunch of peppers for seasoning purposes for this year. I think they all have at least a few scoville units, though (a couple of them have a lot):
* Sweet Datil
* Trinidad Perfume
* Tobago Seasoning
* Grenada Seasoning
* Aji Dulce 1
* Rocoto Aji Largo (hot)
* Fatalii (hot)

A lot of the peppers like this are supposed to be low heat habaneros. I wonder if all of them taste pretty much the same.

One thing that interests me a lot is no-heat Jalapenos with lots of flavor; they could sure be used to season stuff. Jumbo Jalapeno has good flavor and sort of low heat, but it does have heat. Not all Jalapenos have the Jalapeno flavor, though, I've noticed (some have a flavor more like bell peppers).

Anyway, I'm curious what Habanada is like, since it's one of the few that is supposed to have no heat at all (unless they mean, practically so).

Last edited by shule1; March 9, 2017 at 05:50 PM.
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