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Old February 28, 2017   #45
MuddyToes's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Delaware
Posts: 234

Herbs grow like weeds here. I am considering putting some in containers this year just to help keep them reigned in. Mint, especially, has been taking over and I have been pulling up runners like crazy. The only downside to containers is that I have to remember to water them.

I grow thyme, oregano, and rosemary year round if we have a mild winter. Even my sage survived the winter this year. If it is a harsh winter, I will have to replant the rosemary. The oregano and thyme come right back after I trim the dead stuff away. Lavender comes back every year, too. I grow it because it smells nice and I like to use it to rinse my hair. My dog loves the thyme patches. He likes to roll around on them and chew on them when it's hot out. I don't mind. It makes him smell better.

I have cilantro in the garden right now that overwintered. I can't get it to germinate in the summer. It's too hot here. Basil, on the other hand, likes heat. I plant it next to the tomatoes.

Only the Rosemary has deep roots. Everything else could grow in a wide shallow pot. Most of my herbs tend to sprawl.
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