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Old February 26, 2017   #2
PaulF's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
Posts: 3,289

Heart-shaped tomatoes are very much like any other OP/Heirloom tomato plant. Most get very large, they produce lots or little just like other varieties. Like any other tomato plant, they may not do as well in a small container. Three gallons is pretty small. All my tomatoes are planted in-ground and they range in size from 5 feet tall to 10 feet tall and from 5 feet to 7 feet across depending on the variety.

Production depends on the variety, the year, the weather, the soil, etc., etc. Last year Hungarian Heart produced 50 tomatoes on one plant. The year before only 12 fruits. Pruning never happens with my tomatoes except to keep the bottom leaves from touching the ground. No special diseases affect heart shaped tomatoes than any other tomato plant. The same care in watering and fertilization applies to all tomato plants. In small containers, the plants probably will need to be watered more often and fed as the watering flushes out the available plant food. Rather than a high nitrogen plant food, I would once every week or ten days add a liquid fertilize low in N and higher in P and K to promote blossoming and fruit production.

Other than the shape of the fruit, nothing is out of the ordinary for hearts so far as care is concerned. Enjoy the flavor.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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