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Old February 10, 2017   #7
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Actually Max, looking again I wonder if it is a bee?

Afaik, a key identifier between bees vs wasps is that bees are furry, but the amount of 'fur' or 'hairiness' can actually vary a lot, also which parts are 'furry' or not. Just browsed some wasp pictures, and none of them have hairy legs like your pet there. Nor the bit of fur on the abdomen, although it is slight compared to some types.
Shape wise, it looks like a wasp, but there are bees that have more of that shape too ie more wasp looking but still a bee.
I was amazed to read about so many kinds of bees - that would fit with the gentle behavior and 'dancing' too.
Here is a website with some bee identification info and pictures.

Since you have pictures, you can find out more by submitting a "sighting", when you do that they will take you through a proper 'key' that should tell you what species it is at the end.
That is, if it is in fact a bee.

Some bees have white eyes, as it looks like in your pic. I never knew that but found it out bumbling around on that site.
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