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Old February 5, 2017   #3
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Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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I agree... looks like a paper wasp. They are predators on insect pests, so perhaps they're keeping your plants safe.

I read about these last season as I had several nests close to the house and garden. They said move the nest if you must but don't destroy it, as these are not the same ones that attack your ham sandwich! Those obnoxious wasps are the ones that nest in the ground. The paper wasps are strictly insect predators and usually will only sting if they feel they or the nest is threatened.

So there was one nest I couldn't remove, stuck under the ledge of a big old washtub I had planted lettuce in, and close to my door and also my outdoor rows of tomatoes. I decided to just learn to live with it, don't disturb and hope for the best. I was really pleased because I had zero problems with these dive bombing or harrassing me as I watered and tended the plants.

Only one day I got stung. I was fussing over the tomato plants a lot that day, but also, I was having a smoke out there as I hung about looking at the plants. Did not get a wasp in my face, but the critter stung me on the back where I was bending over. I didn't feel it at the time but only discovered it later - nasty welts. So they can be sneaky and retaliate for imaginary harm - I was not out to smoke their nest! But overall I liked their behavior, just quietly going about their business. They also ate the heck out of problem ants that were getting in the greenhouse and I had no more coming by the season's end. A good job!
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