Thread: Marijuana
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Old January 28, 2017   #22
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The sad fact is and I hate to say it but I will.
Some of these people are getting prescriptions for their (so called) "condition" to "medicate".
This is so folks in many cases and in a legal way are able to stay stoned and many times not even work.
All paid for by insurance and or the tax payer.
This makes it look bad for people that really can use it for their help.
I have been around the block more than a few times and I know a pot head when I see one.

This is why I am for recreational use of it and make it so you can grow your own.
Too many doctors will prescribe just about anything for anyone.
Remember the over weight girls they used to get amphetamines?
Only to be sold on the street.
Or the so called fake back pain that is hard to diagnose.
2.5 oz of (good) weed no stems and seeds for one person every two weeks is the equivalent of staying stoned almost all of the time.

Then there is the problem of burned out brain cells.
And you darn right it can and will happen we called them 'Burn Outs.
Too much pot too often I have seen it and these people couldn't remember one day from the next.
People with lower IQ's it would happen real fast.
I remember all of their names to this day and I smoked weed as they did not just a ton of it plus I guess I had more brain cells to burn out.
My wife smoked it and made straight A's at UT.
Me I just wanted to take my clothes off down to my underwear and think about stuff.
I could not stand the feel of clothes touching me when I was stoned.
My favorite activity was tight line cat fishing on the river bank.
The sights and sounds of nature were awesome.

Smoking weed is fun and relaxing just like a drink or two after work.
When you do it all of the time and stay stoned out of your gourd 24 7 it is stupid.
I dont want to pay for some pot head to do this.
But I will gladly pay for a person that really needs it.
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