Thread: Marijuana
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Old January 28, 2017   #18
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: MA/NH Border
Posts: 4,917

As of December 2016, in Massachusetts a person over 21 years of age can posses up to 10 ounces, and each adult can grow up to six plants with a limit of 12 plants per household.

However, one law maker just filed a bill that would drop allowed possession down to two ounces and plants down to three per household.

What is still not allowed is selling--that doesn't kick in until July 2018 as they need to set up the process for permitting, regulating, taxing, etc. However, one adult can gift another adult up to one ounce if I'm remembering correctly.

It cannot be smoked in public, it is treated the same as alcohol when you have it in a motor vehicle (best to lock it in the trunk, and don't drive under the influence). Landlords cannot prevent their tenants from possessing or consuming it, they can only prevent them from smoking it indoors.

I haven't look at the final law since researching it prior to voting, but there were restrictions on outdoor growing such as minimum distance from other properties, necessary fence heights, required security measures, etc. I don't recall any restrictions on indoor growing other than the limit on the number of plants.
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