Thread: Compost Tumbler
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Old June 7, 2007   #10
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Belgium
Posts: 191

I have read other reviews/tests on the tumblers that give the exact results as Michael, amongst them a popular local organic gardening group and the mekka of composting in Belgium which all state the same :: it doesn't work, at least not in terms of the timing they announce nor in relation to the money spent.

Some problems are obvious : you have to introduce living organisms or draw a very good roadmap for the worms to arrive at their work, it gets hard to turn when it's almost full and since it is a typical 'fill with time' system and not a 'fill completely and start composting' like a standard bin you cannot get the produkt in a few weeks. What you can get is medium prepared material to continue composting in a bin but than it is defenitely too expensive.
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