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Old December 13, 2016   #28
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: Santa Maria California
Posts: 1,013

Originally Posted by Marcus1 View Post
I have to replace my mailbox. Last Thursday my wife came home from work and was stopped waiting to turn into our driveway and a couple of kids in a f250 rear ended her, pushed her into a car coming the other direction and sent them through my mailbox and trash cart and into my privet hedge. My wife was shaken up but unhurt. The mailbox ended up about 100 ft. from where it was and the mail was scattered on top of the hedge. I was in the house when it happened, thump thump I hate that sound, saw the car in the hedge, ran to it, was checking on the people in the car when I saw our car smashed and sitting on the shoulder of the road. I about had a heart attack. The kids had insurance and I guess everything will be okay but I sure wasn't planning on having to look for a new car let alone replace the mailbox. It makes me shiver thinking how bad this could have been since the speed limit is 45.

Marcus, my first thoughts are of your wife and if she's okay, sorry that she had to experience that. A lady ran into my son like that a couple months back and he still complains a little bout back pain although I think he's better now. He has extremely high pain tolerance and just is " I'm okay" guy if you know what I mean. . Pretty sure I would of had a heart attack. Bright side is cars and mailboxes can be replaced . Happy holidays to you and family! . Jimbo
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