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Old October 18, 2016   #25
Buffalo-Niagara Tomato TasteFest™ Co-Founder
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Originally Posted by brownrexx View Post
I was thinking about this thread as I was picking a few tomatoes today. I do not spray and I get a lot of tomatoes (more than I need actually) but I don't get my first ripe tomato until very late in June of early July and my average first frost is October 15 so no tomatoes after that.

I was looking at my plants today and they really do look terrible and have lots of Septoria although there are lots of fresh green leaves growing at the top of the plant and keeping it alive.

So yes, we DO get fungal diseases but the plants produce in spite of them and the plants die before the foliage disease kills them.

I am not trying to keep my plants going until November or even later like some of you so no need for me to spray anything and I am a firm believer that if you don't need it - don't just spray because others do. Location makes a BIG difference.
What varieties do you grow and when do you plant out that you are getting first ripe fruits in June?
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