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Old September 16, 2016   #9
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I didn't expect so many different answers, and I thank all of you and since I couldn't see this topic anywhere I'm sure it will help others as well..

But if coated with syrup before freezing, I'm not so sure that then that would have to be washed off.I mean the melons are sweet enough as it is.

Please remember that I no longer can prepare my own meals. Weekdays when no holidays Meals on Wheels delivers. For breakfast Freda will bring up a good breakfast bun from Stewarts with egg and cheese and some kind of meat,like ham or sausage. But if Martha is here she will make hash and eggs,the hash and other stuff I buy from Nueske's in WI and delicious beyond belief. A new box from there came today, Fed Ex Smart post which gets delivered to my local USPS since Fed EX direct home delivery here where I live is no good.

Depending on which one is here in the AM,then supper/dinner is prepared and that's always thermos of hot soup,Progresso or the wonderful soups I buy from Nueskes, and it used to be sandwiches of ham and turkey and onion, but honestly,I was getting tired of that,so now Martha buys prepared stuff from Stewarts,chicken salad,tuna salad,red bliss potato salad, etc.

And when Angie does the more general shopping on my list I have all sorts of fruits such as seedless grapes,pears, and whatever else looks good.

We're coming into apple season here,and I must have my Honeycrisps and several other varieties.

So when Herb comes Tues to cut my hair I'm going to ask him if he knows anyone in is church who could do some errands for me,like go for apples, pick up some meals from local restaurants, and most importantly pick up my meds at Rite Aide since both Martha and Freda are getting to the point where they don't have time based on what's happening with them, and I agree with their reasons.

On weekends Freda is here,she is not a cook,doesn't like even peeling cucumbers.

Too long an answer I know,but I will find a way to freeze some fruits, and all of you have helped me think about that.

Carolyn, noting that the only thing HOT around here are her two checkbooks,one semi-local one national, and her two credit cards when she calls to order books,foods,this and that.
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