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Old September 7, 2016   #48
Posts: n/a

On the Milorganite web site. The question is asked "Is it okay to grow vegetables using their product?" Essentially, their answer is "Everything in nature has heavy metals in it. So long as EPA recommended levels are not exceeded, it does not present a problem." According to the statement, some heavy metals are required to maintain a healthy life.

I don't know if all producers of biosolids do it, but the city of Milwaukee heats the sludge to kill all organisms before packaging it for sale. I don't think the EPA would allow it to be sold if it's safety isn't proven. The EPA has become pretty testy about stuff like that.

The answer to any question you ask depends on the person being asked. If Sixty Minutes or 20/20 did a television segment about your dirt, I'm sure they could find an "expert" who would declare your dirt a bio hazard and recommend it be dug up and hauled to a toxic waste disposal site because it has the potential of killing thousands of people. But hey, that"s show biz. If they asked me, I would say "happy gardening".


Last edited by tedln; September 7, 2016 at 11:37 AM.
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