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Old August 23, 2016   #11
brownrexx's Avatar
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I have fought the SVB for years and tried all of the remedies like foil around the stem to no avail. Here is what works for me.

I purchase Thuricide which is a bt solution made by Bonide.

I dilute it as recommended on the bottle and use a syringe with an 18 gauge needle to inject it into the squash stems about 6 inches above the soil level.

Since the stems are hollow, the solution runs down the inside and coats them and any SVB caterpillars that are present. You can wait until you see signs of caterpillar poop (frass) but I usually inject after the plant starts to flower because I KNOW that those sneaky SVB moths will have laid eggs when I wasn't looking.

I also plant a second crop at about this time so that when/if the first crop dies, then I will have more producing.

This has worked well for me over the last 2-3 years and I have had plenty of zucchini which I really like.
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