Thread: Shade Cloth ?
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Old July 28, 2016   #10
My Foot Smells
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like the bucket of mud idea, however, I am out of the greenhouse in may and even wide open that guy runs around 150+ degrees. I convert greenhouse into storage in the late spring, summer, early fall, and then use for plant storage in the winter, and start with seedlings in march after germin' underneath a lamp in the house.

I have ordered some cloth from the megastore before and have been pleased. that was a foil total eclipse, but found out the rats like that stuff and they ended up making a bunch of whoopee in the folded shade cloth (aluminet).

grommets, have to go with the sewn in brass grom myself. any kind of clip out ain't going to make it out here. the wind whips and does a lot of yanking. had a big yard party one time and renting a canvas tent. the guy was extremely particular about his tent pitchin' - I offered to help (being prior service and have put up my fair share), but he declined. Mid-summer, a t-storm came swoopin' down off the mtn. across our valley and ripped that dude to shreds.

the arches have not been purchased, but saw where a guy was selling sets (one arch-2pc) for 35$ (inc. anchor - which is a pipe you pound in ground). the arch was 1 5/8" dia. don't know - but do know no pvc - that won't make it one season. want to make it classy and longstanding.

glad to hear the 40% is popular, that is what I was thinking as well. thanks for the replies. this is still in the early planning stage, but fall for me is best - as you know - spring is a very busy time of year.
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