Thread: Ugly Fruit
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Old July 21, 2016   #4
Urbanheirlooms's Avatar
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Location: New Castle, Virginia
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Originally Posted by My Foot Smells View Post
the "uses humor" section in the article is mildly entertaining.

I agree UH. It amazes me that ppl do not have to disclose use of pesticides and insecticides in selling fruit. The connotation is derived that a home grown tomato is generally grown by organic means - for the most part. But often times, that is not the case. Chemicals are at the disposal of the home gardening these days and sometimes used in excess.

Probably not a question many buyers would ask (I would and have) about the use of non-org stuff. It is one of the primary reasons I grow my own vegetables to know what I am actually getting. Simply grabbing something off the grocery store shelf, one has no idea what methods were applied, even if it is labeled, "organic."

The pursuit of the perfect looking fruit or mass production by any means, may very well be killing us.
You say " The pursuit of the perfect looking fruit or mass production by any means, may very well be killing us". I agree completely. You often hear people say my grandparents used to eat fatty foods and use lard and use lots of butter, ect and they lived to be in their 80's-90's and I am sure that is true to some extent. I believe that many of the newer pesticides, fertilizers and preservatives used today is what leads to health issues. The longevity thing kind of offsets as our older generation people were not subject to the bad stuff, but health care technology has improved.
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