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Old July 15, 2016   #11
Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Western NY
Posts: 133

I'm looking forward to the swap. 1st time for me. While it's possible I might have a few desirable varieties, nothing is sure at this time. I have yet to harvest a single tomato this year. (Not unusual in my area/zone)
I may need to find me a sponsor if I only get commonplace varieties in the end. ( It's a little strange. Part of what I planted was a mix of 6 heirlooms from Burpee, but many of my plants, started too early and set out to harden off too soon, died from the stress. It won't be difficult to tell what's what when things ripen, each variety in the mix being a different color, but for all I know only one or two kinds from the mix might have made it. ) I have to wait and see. Meanwhile I am having pangs of jealousy at the beautiful photos of pretty tomatoes other people are posting, and enjoying my other veggies as they ripen.
So thanks, Tormato! Looking forward to what others have, and what I can contribute to the MMMM.
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