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Old July 14, 2016   #5
Urbanheirlooms's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2016
Location: New Castle, Virginia
Posts: 205

Thanks for your comments. I don't directly sell at a farmers market, but sell to a buyer who has an upscale farmers market (farm to table), but I do show up and help out on occasion. Last year when I planned my garden, I did plant some Better Boys since I know some people would want R & R tomatoes. Then once I started to sell all of my heirlooms to that market, I asked the buyer if he wanted my R & R tomatoes. He said he didn't he could buy those for 50 cents a pound in bulk and didn't want to mess with that-there are plenty of other farmers markets and stands in our area for those varieties.

I only grow "specialty" type heirlooms which are different from the norm. Last year, I did grow some Indigo Rose and while they were pretty, they didn't taste very good to me and customers would not buy them regularly. I grew some Helsing ★★★★★★★★ Blues this year and it almost looks like a smaller version of the Indigo Rose and does not taste much better. I grew some Indigo Apple this year (I do not have any ripened ones yet) and I have a feeling that they will not be any better.

I agree with BigVanVader about the Cherokee Purple. It outsold every beefsteak/slicer tomato by a long shot-even better than the R & R's he had. I must say that his Sugar Cubes cherries outsold my mixed heirloom cherries. I gave out a few samples of the Chocolate Cherry and Purple Bumblebee, I guess we will see if they come back for more.

This week, I have some Blue Ridge Black, Bordovyi, Siney, Rose, & Brown Flesh Jumbo to add to the Cherokee Purples. I am anxious to see if they are as big of a hit as Cherokee Purple.
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