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Old July 10, 2016   #34
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 832

Hi Ella and Peebee,

Interesting comments about the "Nots." I'm going to give the so called "Lee's Sweet" one more try and if I can find no redeeming qualities (huge production and large size don't count in this instance ), I'm going to yank the plant out. I had one in a BLT yesterday and actually disliked it. Funny how I liked it at first taste (first red/pink tomato of the season reputed to be wonderful), to thinking it was sort of ordinary, to now not-quite hating it ! Goes to show how impressionable I am !

I'm already running out of things to do with the tomatoes I've been harvesting - even after throwing out a lot due my garden flooding and a recent battle with hornworms. I've still got jars and jars of tomato sauce and bags of whole tomatoes in the freezer from last year. No sense taking up space with a plant I don't need and don't even like! Maybe this is a case where it's better to have a "naught" than a "not" (sorry for the bad pun).

OTOH, the Not Carbon is actually quite good and very prolific. I don't have a clue as to what it might be as it doesn't really resemble anything I have seeds for. The seeds came from a new seed supplier who, now that I think about it, also provided the Not Mule Team seeds. If it's not too late in the season, I may just start a few more Carbon and Mule Team seeds from them to see if they are the right thing. The other seeds I got from them seem to be correct.

Ella, I checked out your NJ garden thread and have been meaning to post. Wanted to say that your tomatoes look great (except for the diseased one )! You certainly have alot of interesting varieties! I guess they should be ripening up before too long. Looking forward to hearing about how they all taste .

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