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Old June 30, 2016   #15
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Originally Posted by twillis2252 View Post
Always remember appearance is everything. They may drive a $50K car but nine out of ten are financed up to 95% and many are not owned but lease. Most of these folks are leveraged to the hilt! Many times the individuals driving the $18K car are the ones with the true liquid assets...

I second that. I can count money too well to purchase through the banks and make money for them. My DH hates when I count exactly how much we will be paying if we are to take a loan.
We have a friend who owns few houses that he fixed mostly by himself or with help of his family members/he payed them. That guy is a millionaire if he sells the houses. He does not look like it at all. He drives old Pontiac and dresses like a bum.

Originally Posted by Gerardo View Post
I love those guys, being the same dimensions as your stepdad, they rarely act out with me as their focus.

A good one to really push them over the edge, in as calm a demeanor as you can muster, casually ask these two questions in quick succession:

--Did you take your medication this morning? Are we gonna have to call them to come get you?

Because most of the time these idiots have had run-ins and court appointed therapy, so they know the drill quite well, and it just irks them that someone IDs them for what they are, mental cases.

Be ready for the next market, he's had a whole week to fixate and blame everything that's gone wrong lately on your $1.50. Louisville slugger.
I strongly believe people like that do not change. They always blame others for their misfortunes, never themselves. They are like that their entire life. They make life of people around them miserable. The poor kid is probably thinking that it is his fault every time grandpa yells.

God comes along and says, "I think I'm going to create THE tomato!”
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