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Old May 4, 2007   #3
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I've used the leaves to make tea - both hot and iced teas. If you have some untreated rosehips and some lemon balm leaves, crush them both and put them in a pot with hot water (you can add other dried berries too, as per your own taste). Let it steep until well flavoured. Then either drink it hot or chill it for iced tea.

I've also dried leaves to add to marinades or bbq rubs, stuffed fish or chicken with the leaves, some onions, celery and other spices, or added leaves to the water for boiling/steaming other veggies. The latter is especially good when steaming snow peas, broccoli and cauliflower. You can add the leaves to the liquid in which you poach fish or poultry or to tomato sauces for a bit of a zing.

As you can see, I've used it a few different far. And like Craig said, if you let it go to seed, you will find it everywhere! Beware, because like most other mints it will be hard to eradicate.

ps I have heard of somebody that flavoured ice cream or sorbets with it too.

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