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Old May 1, 2007   #14
Tomatovillian™ Honoree
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 507

Gimme3 - that "old" corn sounds like fun to play with. I have heard that scientists have actually grown out 800 year old corn found at Keet Seel (might be spelled wrong) - an Anasazi cliff dwelling out in AZ. I know that beans found there when the place was discovered have been grown. Buy them often - Anasazi beans they are called. Noticed the other day that Seeds of Change is offering an Anasazi corn, so maybe that is the one.

I also noticed somewhere that they say you can start corn inside in the same way we do tomatoes. Maybe you should try that with part of your stash - might at least prove viability. Though if your house looks like mine at present, there isn't room for even one more plant. And I have no clue what I am going to do if the asparagus germinates before I move the tomatoes outside. Getting so I don't even have room to pot up in here.

Hopefully all will go well and my biggest problem will be finding a place to get the corn ground - or buying a hand mill, I guess. I do know how to do stone ground by hand Hopi style corn grinding, but my old knees won't take that anymore.
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