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Old May 30, 2016   #48
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Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
Thank you all for the kind words.
Carolyn and Barb I think I would be a very good kitchen designer if I do say so myself.
Here are some rants and complaints about modern kitchens.
Who ever the idiot was that thought it would be a good idea to incorporate the microwave above the stove and use it as a ventilation system should be hauled out and shot.
I can tell you one thing they have never had to clean one.
And I dont mind the comments about men that don't cook designing them even though I am a man.

I have worked in and around commercial kitchens in 5 star restaurants.
The chefs, men and women alike go around making pigs of themselves many times leaving it up to some poor kitchen worker to clean up after them.

Okay the meat station.
The counter top is 36 inches from the floor and 2 feet deep.
The knife rack is 4 foot 10 inches from the floor.
The tip of the longest blade is 1 foot from the top of the counter.
I gave this careful consideration before I put it up.
I am 5 foot 7 inches if you stretch it.

I am right handed for the most part so the hand crank for the stuffer is on the right side.
I can use my left hand to do things very well but wright.
So it is very easy for me to feed the grinder and turn the bowl at the same time.

As I said before some place, kitchens are designed for better homes and gardens not for people to use them.

If I were to design a kitchen for someone their would be a a questioner to fill out.
Some of the questions would be as follows.
Do you bake.
Do you preserve food such as canning.
How tall are you.
Do you have back pain.
Will there be more than one person cooking in the kitchen.
Do you want your kitchen to be functional or for show.
Do you fry food.
Do you use cast iron.
Does the sound of a vent hood bother you.
Do you create a lot of smoke when you cook.
Have you felt the need for more than one oven.
Are their going to be children helping.
How often do you cook.
Do you make or would you like to make pasta.
do you cook in huge kettles and how many do you have and what size.
Do you want your kettles to be hidden or out for use hanging.
Have you ever felt the need for more than one sink.
Do you want the kitchen incorporated with the rest of the house and living area or in more of a private space.
Do you make sausage and cure meat.
Do you like modern or rustic.
The list could go on forever but I think you see what I am getting at.
With the questions above answered I could truly build anyone the kitchen of their dreams.
Pick out the best appliances for there needs and everything including the style of cabinets and doors.

It could be anything from totally functional to a worthless show place fit for nothing much more than microwave burritos.
Absolutely... fabulous questions Worth. I put TWO stoves in my new kitchen. Unfortunately I almost burned it down last week. how stressful. it is not as if we haven't had enough fire around here lately. geesh! I was cleaning out my solar oven so I could use it outside and I sat the pans and book for it on the island stove and accidentally (unbeknownst to me) bumped the control knob on the one burner and caught the solar cook book on fire. good thing somebody else was in the house because I wasn't.
carolyn k
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