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Old May 17, 2016   #61
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Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: north central B.C.
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Hi all - Jeannine Anne, I have a large clump of Egyptian Walking Onion. As a matter of fact, I potted up 2 flats of the fallen bulbils for our upcoming plant sale. If you like, I could pack up a few plants for you or wait until fall and could send you some of the bulbils. Also, just to let you know, my patch of Shandong onions overwintered very nicely, without the benefit of extra mulch and I could certainly send you seed for them (or dig up a plant...) also have a few potato onions (not sure of name offhand, got the original seed from Denise S. 2 years ago) that survive our winters. I also have a clump of some unnamed onion which will not die, it comes up every year and is a great source of early spring green onions (mid March this year) and it has countless seedlings around it. Just say the word, can send plants soon, or seed and bulbils later. Would love to help get you going again, allium-wise. It would be much easier and quicker to get the EWO's from here in B.C., rather than from eastern U.S. with border-crossing issues. Such an outpouring of help from Zeedman, Zach and others - I love Tomatoville!
"He who has a library and a garden wants for nothing." -Cicero
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