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Old May 12, 2016   #72
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Laurinburg, North Carolina, zone 7
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Originally Posted by Jeannine Anne View Post
Andrey, thank you for that information.That potato sound great, it is a pity we can't trade tubers as well as seeds LOL. I miss one from the UK which I can't get here, it is called Charlotte. I am growing Russian Banana,Sieglinde,French Fingerling and a Russet.

Tracydr, my perennial cauliflower is called Nine Star Perennial, it is a commercial variety but was very hard to find the last time I go the seeds sent from the UK. I sowed what was left this year but have only got 2 seedlings up. The Daubenton Kale seeds came fro the Heritage Seed Library in the UK, (they don't ship overseas)again I had very few seeds but I have managed to get about 7 to pop. I should tell you a bit about Daubenton. It is a French veggie which rarely flowers so seeds are almost impossible to get. It is usually propagated by cuttings and folks in the UK share the plants. I am frankly not expecting the plants I have grown from seed to be true but we will see. It comes green and a variegated one, There are a few perennial cabbage/kales. I also have one called Eeuwig Moes, which does grow from a seed, that seed was sent to me from a friend Holland. There is another one called Delaway which I also got from the Heriatage Seed Library , Irish Seed Savers have it by the way,but it is questionable that this one is perennial. They now ship overseas.

Before I moved to where I am now I had a community garden and I had a very large raised bed devoted to Perennial veggies, all of the above plus, perennial leeks, various types of onions and a few other. things. My aim is to try to reestablish it in one bed here. Very fascinating.

XX Jeannine
Thanks Jeanine!
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